Tuesday, February 21, 2012

scope_identity question

I have a app that is inserting data into a SQL 2005 database and I would like to return the UniqueID of the inserted record.

I am using

Dim queryStringAsString ="INSERT INTO dbo.DATATABLE (FIELD) VALUES (@.FIELD);SELECT Scope_Identity()"

Dim sIDAsString = comSQL.ExecuteScalar()

This isn't working - it says the value returned is DBNull...

Any ideas on how to make this work?

You can convert the adhoc SQL to a stored proc and use a proper OUTPUT parameter and retrieve the ID. Also, is that your entire code? Where are you opening the connection? where is it define/initialized etc?


hi mate,

The syntax used for retriving identity value is worn...It will be as follows


Otherwise you can use

SELECT @.@.Identity

Hope now i can see ur smile


VijayBig Smile


Your use of scope_identity() is correct. Perhaps your insert is failing. Can you make sure that new row are actually being added to the table?



The syntax used for retriving identity value is worn...It will be as follows


This is incorrect. The correct way to use it is SCOPE_IDENTITY().

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